Saturday, April 9, 2011

10 Great things...

1) Its a gorgeous day.

2) Pete has a training class, AKA he is up during the day. I finally got to wash our comforter today, YAY!

3) We got a stove today! I'm excited to have that last little bit of independence in us being able to buy and cook our own groceries again.

...but I do need to go buy oven cleaner...
4) I had an amazing day yesterday hanging out with a friend. I had to help paint her house, but she bought me lunch and comiserated with me. Well, we weren't really comiserating. Just nice to have someone who truly understands the suckiness.
5) I'm spending 3.5 days next week sitting by an outdoor pool in Phoenix. There may be other things to do, but I don't plan on it.
6) Got our one essential home decor item that has been everywhere with us hung up today:

and ps, our walls are not that flourescent.
7) Haven't worn materity pants all week.
8) 2 more weeks before I return to work? (fingers crossed!)
9) I got my cookbooks unpacked sometime in the last week. Yup, that must mean we are really moved in!

10) My husband, family and friends are all pretty stinkin' awesome.

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