Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Just this:

Someone just posted a quote on the pregnancy loss forum that has brought the most comfort of anything.

Throughout all of my reading on that forum I have sometimes struggled with "being in the same situation" as women who have miscarried at 6, 8, even 10 weeks. I think about how I was still kinda getting my mind around the whole situation at that point. Oh, we definitely would have been sad, and I feel for women in that situation as well... but sometimes, it is hard to imagine that we are mourning the same thing.

And then I remind myself, as horrible as our situation was: we got to meet Carter. We got to sign her birth certificate and imagine her life and hold her and kiss her, marvel at her teeny tiny hands and feet.... And as terrible as I feel now, that little time with her was pretty sweet. I want to continue to focus on THAT more because when I think about the strength it took that tiny little doll to spend even such little time with us, it makes me feel pretty invincible. And that is a feeling we could all use.

"Don't cry because it's over, Smile because it happened." ~Unknown

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