Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Oh hey...

Hey there,
How is it going? What have you been up to?

I feel like we haven't seen each other in while. I mean, its been almost exactly a month since I wrote my last blog. I guess I was just so impressed with myself that I developed writer's block: a little worry that I couldn't write as well as I did last time.

Well, its not that exactly. I just really have not had the... focus to write about a topic... any topic.

I know, you've missed me. Well, I've missed you too. No. Really. I have opened up blogger to write a new post, I don't know how many times. But I've let you down.

So, here I am, at your feet, asking for your forgiveness. With a promise that I will write a real blog tomorrow.

No, seriously friends, I promise. Tomorrow.

And I don't just mean tomorrow because Wednesday starts in one minute for me. I mean tomorrow because as I write this, the sleep that has been avoiding me is suddenly slipping back heavier and heavier.

So I am headed to cuddle with the heating pad and the dog and I will be with you tomorrow, I promise.

Good Night,

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