Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I went and got myself a new blog.

Hello hello my loyal fans.

I am writing today to let you know that I have decided to compartmentalize my blog writings a little bit. I've started a new blog to feature all my creative and DIY pursuits. You can find it at:
I am going to try and write weekly but no promises... afterall, there are some weeks where my most creative pursuit is to control what I really want to say to a customer who may.... or may not be as right as they think. And THAT will never be a topic for the blog-o-verse....

In the meantime, this one will continue to be about whatever life seems to throw at us. Follow one, both, none and just use facebook links.... it is up to you! But I thought I would let you know, the project posts will be less on here so check out that area to see where creativity is taking me lately!

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