Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Quotes of the Day

So, first off, I should say that I should be sleeping... right now. I need to pick Pete up from work in t minus FOUR hours. But I'm not. I wanted to write first.

So, one of the things I think you have to do to stay sane in hospitality is find humor in the people around you. For years my mother in law has asked me, "How was work? Any funny customer stories?" So, I try to sum up the moments of my shift I find most enjoyable with a quote of the day. I have been working a little bit harder more recently to really remember catch phrases and things though... because it gives you a little one liner to giggle about the rest of the shift. So here are some from recently that still stick out in my head.

July 4th. My Honduran busser, "I don't know, Lia... maybe slow tonight. It's holiday? and you... you gringos like to barbecue today right?"

July 10. Getting KILLED on a Sunday night. Everyone getting stressed and tired. Me: "But Wilbert (one of the other managers), remember... we hit budgeted sales Thursday. Every cutomer that walks in tonight is just extra bonus money." Wilbert: "Oh... and there are many many customers... cha ching cha ching cha ching..."

July 11. Slow night. Two customers sitting on patio near closing time. I'm eavesdropping while attempting to fix an uneven table. Woman to man: "Well, yeah, but remember, we aren't in the South anymore. People aren't slow here."

I had been meaning to write these down since that first one on July 4, but I didn't so I have obviously forgotten most of them. I will work harder to remember for you this next week. Tomorrow is the rodeo parade downtown. There will be ATLEAST one fantastic quote of the day.

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