Sunday, January 1, 2012

1:25am on January 1, 2012 seems like a good time to write a blog

With it being Jan. 1, the holidays have officially come and gone and we have survived... maybe even thrived. I got the final okay from the doctor to "return to normal activity." I've been training our new manager and work has been busy. Pete is moving forward with his plans for his business. Ursa continues to play fetch and sleep in random places around the house. 

It is nice to put 2011 past us. As Peter said during our champagne toast tonight: 2011 set kind of a low bar so we are optimistic about 2012.
haha... yes, its kind of like this, even though neither of us are on antidepressants

But I don't want to talk about that right now. I feel like I put that suckiness behind and turned a new leaf at my birthday... (read that post here) And while 2011 was the calendar to contain such harsh things, cutting it off by the 12 months I was 25 kept it compartmentalized pretty well. About the only thing that limitation excluded was the most recent surgery which has been... well, a bit of new hope as of now. 

Ironically though, I seem to have ended up with new year's resolutions none the less. I was just taken off activity restrictions for the first time since my E.R. visit in December of 2010 (on december 29, 2011), so it seems natural to want 2012 to be my healthiest year ever. 

That is really the big deal thing for me. To be healthy. But I also resolve to be more organized, continue succeeding at work, take more pictures, be active, eat more vegetables, celebrate small things, craft, sew, geocache, read and write....

Its a long list. But it does feel like its a long list in response to how rocky 2011 was. Working out, eating well, being healthy is a lofty goal considering the health complications I've gone through this year. But: a goal, that if accomplished would eliminate such a significant amount of the stress that I experienced this past year. Then there are all those other vague goals. Those are the things that take into account the joy that we did experience in 2011 and try to multiply it in the new year. Be more organized to reduce stress, succeed at work because I love my job, sew and craft because its relaxing, read and write because it is relaxing and enriching, etc...

Here is the thing about having new year's resolutions. Especially a long vague list of them described simply by verbs:
I don't expect to look back at the end of 2012 and think about how much I accomplished in these areas. In fact, the thing about having the kind of experience we had in 2011 is that, I don't expect any of these goals to still be of importance to me in 2013. Too much changes in 12 months to assume that all of these things will still be important to me that far in the future.

But I do know that as of today, these things are of importance to me. They are things that I find to be fulfilling and enjoyable. And if I spend an entire year resolving to organize and change the things that are stressful in life and embrace and do more of the things that are relaxing and joyful then 2012 really can be a pretty great year. 

And honestly, isn't that all any of us are looking for in a list of resolutions???

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