Thursday, August 11, 2011

Well, I have been doing some stuff.

Okay, its been weeks since I have written a blog, so this will be long but pictured filled.

When you last left the crazy world of Lia and Pete, we were about to embark on a 40 mile bike ride "for a good cause..."
It was a beautiful sweltering day even in the mountains. And Pete had just finished a graveyard shift. We made it 15 miles... and then it wasn't fun anymore. So we turned around... rode 15 more miles DOWNHILL at speeds near 30 miles an hour, had a nice lunch with the parents, and went to bed at 5pm. CASA raised over $13000 with this ride so thank you all for your support. We may take it on next year, but only if we are more prepared...

I finished remaking my sewing table into something a little more beautiful, instead of just practical.
You probably remember the before photos:

But after posting these, I found this label on the bottom:
"Carefully packed and inspected by Kent 5 11 '76"
HA!!! I knew it was dated, but yeesh!
So here is what I turned it into:

I love it!!! However, I have not really gotten around to using it since finishing. I'm way overdue for a sewing project...
In other news, we bottled our beer.

I love this picture of Pete. He looks dead asleep. I promise he is not. but its just funny how it turned out because his eyes are closed. He says I always take unflattering photos of him. I guess this is proof.
Oh, PS: beer should be done Sunday. Our first recipe, a honey brown ale. We haven't started another yet, but should soon...
Also, I cut off all my hair. I like it a ton. I was momentarily regretful when the buzzer touched my neck. But it feels nice and is super low maintenance (and we all know that is my priority beauty wise). I would have a picture, but I'm still in my pajamas with major bedhead (that is the thing with short hair).
Pete has taken on more of a managerial role at work, and is working DAYS for the first time in a year and a half!!! 
I will be starting my promotion officially the first part of September... until then, it is a huge learning curve to master. Not huge. But, there is a list of stuff to figure out. I have a bunch of different shifts than I have ever had before and am gradually taking on more and more responsibility. 

As my dad said so poetically last night, It is nice to see good things start to happen after going through hell.

And it is. Some days still feel like everyone has moved on but us. But for the most part, we seem to be succeeding at continuing on.

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